We're Roamaphy 

Roamaphy was founded in 2020 by a team of creatives with a simple mission: to make people’s lives stress-free, by creating an centralised platform where people can connect to professionals with ease, bringing their ideas and visions to life.

Our Founders

Curtis Snagg

This space is designed to help creatives develop their portfolio connecting them with clients ready to create a lifetime of memories.

From my past experiences of being both a music artist and videographer, I can truly see how this platform will really benefit both clients and creatives.

Previously, I found it challenging to locate a cinematographer on demand who could provide the necessary services I needed for a music video. I also struggled to find consistent clientele to build my portfolio being a videographer.

I encourage both clients and professionals to sign up for our services and navigate our centralised platform.

Solomon Okyere-Williams

As a creative in a corporate environment , I know from first-hand experience how difficult it is to find a photographer in such short notice.

Whether it was looking for a photographer to take photos in a corporate event, or a cinematographer to record events me and my and co-founders have been involved in. There was never an all-in-one platform that would house photographers and videographers together to clients with quick efficiency.

Seeing that this a problem that many will have probably faced. We felt that it was important to create a Roamaphy, a centralised, simple, and clear to use space where people can find creatives and upcoming cinematographers at a moment’s notice!

Aaron Harris

Roamaphy was a vision me and fellow founders discussed at length, as we all have experienced difficulties knowing, where and who to turn to, to capture special moments. I for one have always found it a minefield to find the right cinematographer in my profession.

Because of this difficulty, we felt a real need for a centralised platform which helped clients find the professionals they were looking for, and for talented cinematographers to have a platform to showcase their work, connect with clients and increase their portfolio.

I personally believe we have created a solution to this problem with Roamaphy! I hope both clients and professionals will find this service as helpful and as exciting as we do!

Our Values


Gone are the days where you would have to email multiple people with the same request. With Roamaphy, enter your location and search for your preferences and be confident that you will find the right person to turn your dreams into a reality.


For the professionals, we also understand the struggles of advertising your expertise across many different pages. As it can become difficult to organise and schedule accordingly, that is why we believe that this platform will be beneficial for yourselves. A centralised place where you will be able to create a portfolio which everyone can see!


Roamaphy is committed to helping revolutionise the industry, by helping people create their desired event. Whether you are looking to shoot a music video, to filming your car event or even recording your special occasions like a wedding, be assured that you will be able to find the right person to turn your dreams into reality.